Logitech's current position regarding pointing device support for OS/2, Windows NT and Unix: When major Operating Systems are being developed, Logitech engineers work with other companies to make sure we have a product which is compatible. Therefore, when the System is released, it will usually support our mice. For example, both OS/2 and NT will support our mice as 3-button mice in applications which call for all 3 buttons. Extended drivers, cursor features, the ability to assign button functions -- what we call Mouse Utilities -- are added features which take considerably more programming time. And this means spending company resources. Logitech carefully tracks the number of calls and requests we receive in various areas and uses this information to allocate our resources into the areas of highest demand. Currently, DOS and the Windows Operating Environment receive most of our resources because they represent an overwhelming majority of the users and potential users. We understand that this impression may not seem quite as clear on our on-line services. A much higher percentage of "power users" who are interested in OS/2 and NT write to our on-line services than Logitech receives in calls, letters, or faxes. On this BBS over the last few weeks, for example, OS/2 support questions represent about 5% of the questions. But when one examines all our support contacts, Enhanced OS/2 Support for our mice comprises less than .5% of all our support contacts. The Conclusion: With such a small number of user requests regarding other Operating Systems, Logitech can most wisely invest its resources to best serve its customers by dedicating most of those resources into DOS and the Windows Operating Environment. This is not to say we are doing nothing about these systems. Logitech will continue to allocate whatever resources are possible into providing support solutions for other operating systems. We were the only company to provide a scanner for the IBM Microchannel architecture machines. We have produced a parallel-port scanner for use with laptops. We have designed mice cordless, left-handed, portable, with cursor enhancements and button assignments, all in accordance with customer requests. So please be assured that, in addition to providing free 7-day per week Technical Support, a Bulletin Board Service, and a Compuserve Forum, Logitech will continue to provide whatever improvements are possible. We will continue to track the numbers of contacts regarding support for other operating systems. If the demand significantly increases, we will be allocating more resources into these areas. Michael Doyle Product Support Manager